NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament in New Orleans and Houston a link.

// design //

Big ideas brought to life.

From concept to completion, we design for the human experience, engaging all the senses. We keep the big picture in mind and work fluidly across a broad range of scales and mediums.

// visual //

Seeing is Believing.

A picture says a thousand words. Add motion, sound, and envelop people in it all...thats a lot of words. We use visualization as a tool for design as well as helping our clients to see their vision come to life.

// brand //

Design for Business.

We help existing brands get a little lift and give startups what they need to stand a part. We help businesses to tell their unique stories across all of their communication platforms.

A Rennaissance Team for the Digital Age.

Feel free to check out our work, find out more about us or contact us right away.

About US

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// Few words about us //

We are a human experience centered and technology driven design collaborative pushing the boundaries between virtual and physical experiences through the full spectrum of print, product, multi-media, environment and architectural design; a renaissance team for the digital age. We blend cutting edge technology with good old fashion craftsmanship and face to face interaction to create engaging and immersive experiences. We are a cross-disciplinary team that moves fluidly between mediums, across scales, from 2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D design.

// One part collaboration //

Intersections. Cross-discipline.

We understand that intersections are where the magic happens and that collaboration is key to creating those intersections. Collaborating across disciplines is how we drive design. We act as a seamless extension to our clients and bring a comprehensive range of tools and experience to help any team broaden their perspective.


// One part context //

Place. Narratives. Connections.

We seek to understand the context of every project that we engage to create design solutions that are uniquelyof their place, culture, history, climate. To create value and sustainability.


// One part whats next //

Invention. Innovation. Technology.

We see to push the boundaries and imagine new ways of doing things.

OUR Work

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"An amazing resource. Always insightful and creative."

"Whole systems thinkers and doers"



SPACE Upfront in Miami

Author: LAMOREAUX Posted On: May 20, 2011 In: design

Working with Turner Latin America we designed, developed and produced a B-B meeting environment for the Upfront sales meeting in Miami. The design included use of fog screen projection, lounge style sitting areas, and the venues ice bar. From front to end we pulled the whole thing together in two weeks...

TCM Classic Film Festival in Hollywood

Author: LAMOREAUX Posted On: May 05, 2011 In: design

This marks the end of another amazing and successful year in Hollywood at the TCM Classic Film Festival. It is really a one of a kind event and we are grateful to have been a part of it now for two consecutive years. Thanks to everyone involved for making it an amazing project to be involved with. Here's to next year!

Interactive Projection in the Big Easy

Author: LAMOREAUX Posted On: March 29, 2011 In: visual

We brought the Big Easy to life on the weekend of the NCAA Regional Basketball Tournament with mobile and interactive street projection. The content included guerrilla style projection from a moving vehicle, interactive games with custom designed interactive pads and "text to topple." Next stop, the NCAA Final Four in Houston.

Putting the sizzle into CPC Intersect

Author: LAMOREAUX Posted On: April 14, 2011 In: DESIGN

CUE Labs designed and creative directed a new highlight reel for CPC Intersect as part of the range of work that we have done with the agency as part of a brand refresh and repositioning initiative.

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